Wednesday, January 9, 2013

SHATTERED released, and other news

I am pleased to announce that Shattered, book five of the Dominance series, is now available on All Romance eBooks. (I'll put it up on Amazon and B&N this afternoon, so look for it to go live on those sites sometime tomorrow... if I'm lucky.) Because you guys have been so infinitely patient with me, it'll be 99 cents for the first two weeks (after that I'll raise the price to $1.99). I am truly grateful for all the emails I've received expressing an interest in this series, and gently prodding me to hurry up with the next installment:-). Your enthusiasm is much appreciated!

Gay erotic romance (serial). It's been a month since Dom and Gabriel parted under unpleasant circumstances, and Gabriel is looking for someone to help him move on. Can sex with a stranger help ease his anger and pain... or can Gabriel only find comfort in Dom's arms? Length: Novella (12,500 words). 

After this comes the final novella in the series, Illumination, which I'm hoping to have out sometime in February:

In non-Dominance news, the Short and Sexy books (found on Amazon here and here) have gorgeous new covers by Phycel Designs:

Also, Mastered by Desire has a lovely new cover by Phycel Designs:

Amazon hid this book behind the adult filter, which means it can't be found in a storewide search, and shows up at the tail end of a search for my books. I thought the problem was the cover (which showed a good deal of breast), so I purchased a new cover and asked Amazon to reconsider. Alas, they informed me the book itself has "mature content," and they won't remove the filter. Frankly, I don't really see this one as any spicier than any of my other books, but in the end it's Amazon's decision. Anyway, I'm oddly pleased to have a book that's too hot for Amazon... it makes me feel like I've arrived as an erotic romance author!

And finally, I am pleased to unveil the cover for the second book in the Billionaire's Pawn series, by CC's Designs:

I hope you're all having a great 2013 so far. Thanks again for all your encouragement! It means a lot to me!


Thursday, January 3, 2013

KISS ME is released, and other news

As promised, I'm sending out a newsletter for new releases. Well, this is sort of a new release, anyway. Kiss Me (a collection of previously published romances Hot Lover, Easy, Crashed, and Intoxicated) is now available:

The lovely cover is by cover artist (and fellow author) Erin Lark. Kiss Me is about 46,000 words long and costs $2.99. Find it on Amazon and All Romance eBooks.

Also, a large number of my other romances, both by Meg and Gem, can now be found on All Romance eBooks, for those of you who prefer shopping there. I'm working at getting them all available on iTunes, too, but it may take some time because I'm using a distributor.

And finally, I am working hard on Shattered, and hope to have it up by the end of the weekend. You can read a small excerpt to whet your appetite here (warning: adult language).

I hope you all have a great 2013, and thanks to all of you for your support and patience!
